2020, Vol. 5, Issue 1
Correlation of long jump performance and selected angular kinematical variables at landing of hang style technique in long jump
Author(s): Dr. T Onima Reddy and Dr. Vikram Singh
The Purpose of the study was to find Correlation of Long Jump Performance and Selected Linear Kinematical Variables at Landing of Hang Style Technique in Long Jump. Selection of Subjects: Ten male (national/inter university level) long jumpers of from Banaras Hindu University Varanasi and Diesel Locomotive Workshop Varanasi were selected and their age ranging between 16 to 28 year. Selection of Variables Anthropometrical Variables: Height, Weight, Hand Length, Fore Arm Length, Upper Arm Length, Fore Leg Length, Upper Leg Length and Foot Length. Linear Kinematical Variables: Height of centre of gravity of the body at take-off of hang style technique in long jump, Height of centre of gravity of the body during flight of hang style technique in long jump, Height of centre of gravity of the body at landing of hang style technique in long jump, Highest performance of the subject in hang style technique in long jump, Length of last stride before take-off of hang style technique in long jump, and speed of the subject (take-off to landing) of hang style technique in long jump. Angular Kinematical Variables: Ankle Joint (Angle of left & Right ankle joint), Knee joint (Angle of left & Right knee joint), Hip joint (Angle of left & Right hip joint), Shoulder joint (Angle of left & Right shoulder joint), Elbow joint (Angle of left & Right elbow joint), Wrist joint (Angle of left & Right wrist joint), Angle of trunk inclination and Angle of Head Inclination. Statistical Technique: To kinematical analyze of hang style technique in long jump and to determine the key components of hang style technique in long jump, descriptive statistic was used. To find out correlation between dependent variable (long jump performance) and independent variables (selected linear & angular kinematical variables) at Landing of hang style technique in long jump, Pearson correlation was used. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The data was analyzed by applying SPSS17-Version. Conclusions: Finally, mean, standard deviation, scores of angular kinematics variables in degree at landing in hang style Technique have been found as follow: Left Ankle Angle (67.40 ±15.43), Right ankle Angle (66.80 ± 7.71), Left Knee Angle (137.30 ± 21.97), Right Knee Angle (132.20 ± 22.81), Left Hip Angle (79.30 ± 20.49), Right Hip Angle (67 ± 12.67), Left Shoulder Angle (53± 31.55), Right Shoulder Angle (60.20 ± 33.28), Left Elbow Angle (156.90 ± 16.38), Right Elbow Angle (150.80 ± 29.53), Left Wrist Angle (191.8 ± 33.12), Right Wrist Angle (186.10 ± 33.52), Trunk Inclination Angle (12.6 ± 7.62), Head Inclination Angle (11.9 ± 7.03) respectively. In case of landing in hang style technique of long jump, insignificance difference was found between angular kinematical variables and with the performance of long jumpers.
Pages: 199-202 | 1236 Views 374 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. T Onima Reddy, Dr. Vikram Singh. Correlation of long jump performance and selected angular kinematical variables at landing of hang style technique in long jump. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2020;5(1):199-202.