Abstract:Life will not be life without physical activities. Through physical activities alone people were able to survive in this world. The story of evolution throws some light on the nature and types of activities which are an essential part of modern physical activities which are to be fit for day-to-day existence and to meet the occasional emergencies that arise. Yoga may be an important tool for every individual to maintaining health and improving quality of life. Aerobic exercise can be viewed as an intricate system of bodily supply and demand. That is the body needs energy for any kind of activity and the need is filled by burning off the foods that eat. The purpose of the study was to Effect of 16 -Weeks Yogic Exercises and Aerobic Exercises on Muscular Strength and Flexibility in Secondary School Children. For the purpose of the study One hundred fifty (50 in Yogic Exercises group, 50 in Aerobic exercises group, 50 in control group) Morarji Desai Minority Residency School Vijayapura, Karnataka, were selected as the subjects for this study. The age of the subjects was between 14 to16 Years. In order to investigative the existence of significant difference among Yogic Exercises group, Aerobic Exercises group and Control group on Muscular Strength and Flexibility of Secondary School Children.
Emulate data was collected after the Experimental period was collected data was statistically Examined to find out the significant improvement using and analysis of whenever the ‘F’ ratio was found to be significant, Schefft’s Post-Hoc test, was used as post-test to determine which of the paired means differed significantly. In all cases, the criteria for statistical significance were set at 0.05 level of confidence 0.05. Later yogic exercises and acerbic exercises is given for experimental group. For the Sixteen weeks by keeping the control group constant. Finally, all the Motor Fitness variables such as Muscular Strength and Flexibility tested scores are recorded. Later, collected data was put into the statistical using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) to find out the significant mean differences. The result showed that there was significance difference on Muscular Strength among Yoga group, Aerobic group and Control group. The result also showed that there was significance difference on Flexibility among Yoga group, Aerobic group and Control group.