Abstract:Background:The kinetic chain theory proposes a functional relationship between the core and extremities, and suggests that optimal shoulder function requires contributions from the lower extremities and core. However, there is lack of robust body of evidence to support core instability and shoulder injuries hypothesis.This study was carried out to find whether lack of core endurance correlate with shoulder dysfunction.
Methodology:Twentymale recreational cricket players with mean age of 21.25±2.09 years, playing at collegiate level were recruited in the study. Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic Shoulder and Elbow Score (KJOC) Questionnaire had been used to assess shoulder dysfunction. Assessment of core endurance was carried out by using McGill’s torso muscular endurance test battery.
Results & Conclusion: Correlation between shoulder dysfunction and trunk flexor endurance with the p value of 0.977 (>0.05), trunk extensor endurance with the p value of 0.183 (>0.05), trunk right side flexor endurance with the p value of 0.505 (>0.05), trunk right side flexor endurance with the p value of 0.680 (>0.05).This study observes no statistical significant correlation between core endurance scores and shoulder dysfunction among recreational cricket players.