2020, Vol. 5, Issue 2
Impact of in-service training to physical educators to improve class time management
Author(s): Dr. Pravin D Manwatkar
The purpose of the present study was to exmine the effect of a short-term training program on physical education time management, in elementary school. Thirty-two physical educators were randomly divided into experimental and control group. Each teacher taught six lessons (two for pre-test, two for post-test and two for retention test). After the pre-test, the experimental group attended a training program which included a two-hour lecture with emphasis on how to effectively manage the allotted class time, and a two hour practicum, supervised by the researcher. Then, both groups were post- and retention tested. For the evaluation of class time management, the form Time Management (Graham, 2001) was used. Multivariate analysis of variance with repeated measures and analysis of covariance were used for data analysis. Results showed that physical educators in the experimental group learned to increase student activity time, and managed student waiting time significantly better than those in the control group which, on the other hand, managed significantly better the time allotted to provide instructions. It is concluded that a short but focused training can significantly influence class time management, an important criterion of teaching effectiveness.
Pages: 311-315 | 479 Views 155 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Pravin D Manwatkar. Impact of in-service training to physical educators to improve class time management. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2020;5(2):311-315.