2021, Vol. 6, Issue 2
Role of nutrients in immunity development of human with prevention of COVID – 19 and special reference to physical exercise and yoga in Indian population
Author(s): Monoj Maiti
Nutrients include organic and inorganic substances of food responsible for proper growth and functions of body e.g. proximal principle of food (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and protective principle of food (Vitamins, minerals). Nutrients has a major role in development of immunity that is protective power against antigen or immunogenic such as bacteria, virus, parasites etc. The innate immunity developed before birth but acquired immunity developed after birth whiles the microbes entering into blood stream there different nutrients e.g. vitamins, minerals, proteins has most important role. The COVID – 19 is a rapidly communicable infectious respiratory disease noted first in Wuhan city, Hubei Province, China on 31th December 2019. The pandemic condition by COVID – 19 is prevented in the year 2020 and 2021 by lockdown and maintaining the health roles such as use of mask, hand sanitizer and shop, maintain of social distance, intake of immunity enhancing food, yoga, vaccination etc. The citreous food e.g. grapefruits, oranges, Clementine, tangerines, lemons, limes etc, red bell peppers, broccoli, garlic, ginger, spinach, yogurt, almonds, sunflowers seeds, turmeric, green tea, papaya, kiwi, poultry etc more powerful nutrients and also forms protective power against microbes .The daily intake of food stuffs or feeding behaviors differs in different countries. There are so many foods are immunity enhancing but Indian people’s like the list of food stuffs with immunity enriched as well as COVID – 19 disease preventive has lack of data. The anti-oxidant vitamins present in foods helpful for treatment of COVID – 19. The vaccines develop for increase immunity against COVID – 19. The physical exercise has too many effects in life that are also for healthy life and heard immunity and maintain normal body Wight with plasma sugar, lipoproteins level with reduces risk of cardiac and respiratory diseases. The article deals with the nutrients in list of intake of foods of Indian Peoples Which are responsible for treatment of COVID – 19 cases with also acts as immunity enhancement and the physical exercise and yoga also play role in healthy life in human beings.
Pages: 09-13 | 888 Views 206 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Monoj Maiti. Role of nutrients in immunity development of human with prevention of COVID – 19 and special reference to physical exercise and yoga in Indian population. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2021;6(2):09-13.