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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2021, Vol. 6, Issue 2
Efficacy of a 3-week training of Kalari Adimurai on self-confidence among working women
Author(s): Dr. Muniasamy M, Dr. Prabhu Pandian P and Dr. Ramesh Rathina Kumar
Background: The main objective of this study to find out the impact of Kalari Adimurai on self-confidence among working women. This study provides us the initiation to understand basics of Kalari Adimurai and also it provides knowledge for the futuristic research on Kalari Adimurai as an exercise prescription in therapeutic exercise.
Method: The pilot study is a 3-week programme for working women intervention and will be evaluated by using the simple randomised sampling technique. The pre-test data will be collected before two days of the Kalari Adimurai training. The post-intervention data will be collected after the 3-week follow-up of Kalari Adimurai. Fifteen female volunteered participants were chosen for this study and their target age range of participants is 18-25 years, who will be recruited KPR mills Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, India. The training of Kalari Adimurai will be delivered in a face-to-face group format onsite at KPR mills and consists of 3×45–60 min sessions, four times per week for 3 weeks. The quantitative data outcomes will be measured using standardised CSAT-II questionnaire.
Results: In the view of the results, the start of the training the self-confidence on average (M=21.47, SD = 1.12) which is less than the after impact of Kalari Adimurai, self-confidence on average (M=28.87 SD= 1.51). The dependent ‘t’ test shows significant on self-confidence t(14) is 18.5 (p< 0.05). After the practice Kalari Adimurai self-confidence had increased by almost 26% from pre to post-test mean.
Discussion: The current study clearly shows that there is a significant improvement gain on self-confidence by working women through kalari Adimurai practice. As there are no previous researches examining the effects of Kalari Adimurai, this experimental study will provide valuable evidence concerning the effect of Kalari Adimurai to improve mental health especially self-confidence.
Pages: 148-150  |  1064 Views  540 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Dr. Muniasamy M, Dr. Prabhu Pandian P, Dr. Ramesh Rathina Kumar. Efficacy of a 3-week training of Kalari Adimurai on self-confidence among working women . Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2021;6(2):148-150.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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