Abstract:The main purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of selected Anthropometric Measurements and jumping ability of volleyball players of Kerala and Maharashtra states. For the purpose of this study 40 male volleyball players 20 from Kerala and 20 from Maharashtra, and the age was ranged from 18to 25 years were purposively selected as the subject.
To measure selected Anthropometric i.e., calf girth, thigh girth, leg length steel tape was used and scores were recorded in centimeter. Foot arch, was testing with foot type and shape. Vertical jump test was used for jumping ability and score was recorded in centimeter.
To determine the significant difference, Independent ’t’ test was employed for each component separately; the level of significance was set at 0.05 for testing the hypothesis.
The finding of statistical analysis revealed that significant difference was observed in jumping ability but insignificant difference was observed in selected anthropometric measurements between the volleyball players of Kerala and Maharashtra states.