Abstract:Nutritional ergogenic aids are aimed primarily at enhancing performance (either by affecting energy metabolism or by an effect on the central nervous system), at increasing lean body mass or muscle mass by stimulation of protein synthesis and at reducing body fat content.
Methodology:Survey of secondary literature is the prime methodology for preparing this research article.
Research Findings: There is a significant gap in research evaluating various aspects of ergogenic aids and their impacts on Indian athletes. There is a need for multicentric, longitudinal studies evaluating various aspects of effects of ergonomic aids. All such substances need to be approved by the Sports Authority of India (SAI) and should be given to the athletes under the supervision of SAI Certified Specialist Dietitian.
Conclusion:Because regulations specific to nutritional ergogenic aids are poorly enforced, they should be used with caution and only after careful product evaluation for safety, efficacy, potency, and legality.