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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education

Impact Factor (RJIF): 5.48

ISSN: 2456-0057

2022, Vol. 7, Issue 1
Relationship between quadriceps, gluteus and hip flexors muscle power and Olympic weightlifting skills performance
Author(s): Dr. Parmod Kumar Sethi
The Purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship between Quadriceps, Gluteus and hip flexors muscle power with Olympic Weightlifting skills Performance of 50 Male (Age 18-25) weightlifters. All the subjects voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. The subjects had participated in Inter College, state and Inter University Competitions from 2015-2018. The Weightlifting Skills Performance Snatch and Clean & Jerk records were taken from recognized Competitions. Measurement of Quadriceps, Gluteus and hip flexors muscles Power (legs) were measured through Standing Broad Jump tests. The R 4.1.0 statistic software program was used for data analysis, the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r) was used to determine the relationship between Agility, Power and Olympic Weightlifting skills Performance and significance level was determined as P< 0.05. Result of the study indicates that weightlifting skills performance Snatch and Quadriceps, Gluteus and hip flexors muscle power (r =0.52) and Clean &Jerk and Quadriceps and Gluteus muscle Power (r= 0.47) are significantly correlated.
Pages: 135-137  |  475 Views  112 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Parmod Kumar Sethi. Relationship between quadriceps, gluteus and hip flexors muscle power and Olympic weightlifting skills performance. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2022;7(1):135-137.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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