Abstract:The study was concluded in order to determine the relationship between selected biomechanical variables with the performance of forward on-drive in cricket.
Methods: Twenty male cricket players who had participated in the Inter-University Cricket tournament or any National level tournament were selected as subjects for this study were selected as subjected for the study. The help of digital photography was used to film the subjects is sagital & frontal plane of Square cut. Joint point method was used in order to obtain the values of selected angular kinematics variables from develop stick figures. The performance in forward on-drive was recorded on the basis of the three judge’s evaluation the technique of the subjects on selected batting skills were collected. Ten points scale was used. For each batsman’s the average of three judges was considered as the final score. It is hypothesized that there would be no significant relationship between linear & angular kinematic variables and the performance in Batting skills. To determine the degree of relationship between selected biomechanical variables with the performance in forward on-drive, Pearson’s product Moment Correlation Method, Multiple correlation & regression equation was used.
Results: The results have shown the significant values of coefficient of correlation in case of ankle joint (Right), Knee joint (right), elbow joint (right), knee joint (left), Elbow joint (right) & shoulder joint (left) variables. In case of shoulder joint(right),elbow joint(right),wrist joint(right), ankle (left), knee joint (left),hip joint (left),shoulder joint (left),elbow joint (left) & wrist joint (left) and height of C.G. showed insignificant relationship with the performance of subjects in forward on-drive. Since the researcher has calculated the relationship individually. This may be attributed to the fact that the angles at different joints mentioned in this study such as hip joint (right), shoulder joint (right), wrist joint (right), ankle (left), hip joint (left), shoulder joint (left), elbow joint (left) & wrist joint (left). Change from one individual to another according to his Anthropometric measurement. I.e. his height, leg length, arm length.