Abstract:The purpose of the study is to find out the Effect of different intensities of combined training with seed cycling on body weight body mass index and resting metabolic rate among PCOD affected women.
Researches Design: To achieve this purpose, 45 subjects were selected for the study. The selected group consists of home makers women between the age group of 25-35 years. They were divided into three groups where each group with 15 members were given combined training with seed cycling and the other group acted as a control group.
Selection of variables: The selection of variables was done based on the literature available and with consultation with the experts. The availability of techniques for the purpose of analysis, feasibility, reliability procedure and the outcome were extensively taken care before finalizing the variables. The selected independent and dependent variables are as follows.
Dependent variables: 1. Weight 2.Body Mass Index 3. Resting Metabolic Rate
Independent variable: Training with seed cycling.
Conclusions: Within the above mentioned scope of this study, the following conclusions were arrived as: 1.Experimental groups showed significant reduction in the physiological variable such as body weight, Body Mass Index and improvement in Resting Metabolic Rate than the control group. 2. The Experimental group II showed greater reduction on physiological variable such as body weight, Body Mass Index and greater improvement in Resting Metabolic Rate. All these changes were due to the 12 weeks of different intensities of combined training with seed cycling