2022, Vol. 7, Issue 2
A comparative study of depression between rural and urban area volleyball players in relation to their sports performance
Author(s): Rahul Ajabrao Radke
The current study was undertaken to compare depression among rural and urban area volleyball players in relation to their sports performance. To fulfill the purpose of this study, the researcher selected 20 rural and 20urban volleyball players as subjects. The selected subjects were drawn from two (2) schools in Amravati city and two (2) schools in rural area of Amravati district in the state of Maharashtra. Depression was measured with the help of depression test by O. P. Mishra, Vidhya Bhooshan and Santosh Kumar. Sports performance was measured by ten rating scales given by the referee to measure the sports performance of the volleyball players. Statistical analysis of the collected data on selected criterion variables was done using Pearson's correlation and independent 't' ratio. In all the cases, 0.05 level of confidence was fixed to test the significance, which was considered as an appropriate. It is concluded that significant difference was noticed between rural and urban area volleyball players on depression level and the depression was found to be significantly correlated with sports performance of both urban and rural area volleyball players. The researcher suggested that to save the players from the state of apathy, proper training and experience of playing at different places should be given and they should be motivated to play by correcting the errors in them. So that by removing the coil that builds up in them, they can stay away from indifference.
Pages: 301-302 | 496 Views 216 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Rahul Ajabrao Radke. A comparative study of depression between rural and urban area volleyball players in relation to their sports performance. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2022;7(2):301-302.