2023, Vol. 8, Issue 1
A comparative study on selected motor abilities between badminton and table tennis players
Author(s): Laishram Santosh Singh, Keisham Monarita, Konsam Puinachandra, Khumukcham Shivananda Singh and Sapam Dijendra Singh
The purpose of the study was to find out the comparative analysis of Selected Motor Abilities (Muscular Strength, muscular Endurance and Speed) between Badminton and Table Tennis players. The study has been conducted on 10 male Badminton and 10 Table Tennis players. The subjects were selected from Manipur Badminton Association of Dhanamanjuri University and Manipur Table Tennis Association of Dhanamanjuri University, Manipur. The age of the subjects ranged between 18-20 years. The study was conducted on selected Motor Abilities (Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance and Speed). The data was collected through 30 seconds Push Ups for Muscular Strength, 30 seconds Sit Ups for Muscular Endurance and 50 meters dash for Speed. To find out significant difference among the group independent ‘t’-test was used with the help of SPSS Software. The level significance chosen was 0.05. After the analysis, it was revealed that there was significant difference obtained on Speed between the two groups. Whereas, no significant differences were found on Muscular Strength and Muscular Endurance between Badminton and Table Tennis Players of Dhanamanjuri University, Manipur. Table Tennis Players had more speed as compare to the Badminton Players.
Pages: 08-10 | 1661 Views 1194 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Laishram Santosh Singh, Keisham Monarita, Konsam Puinachandra, Khumukcham Shivananda Singh, Sapam Dijendra Singh. A comparative study on selected motor abilities between badminton and table tennis players. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2023;8(1):08-10.