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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2024, Vol. 9, Issue 1
Sports competition anxiety and sports achievement motivation: A relationship study of female physical education trainee teachers
Author(s): Sangita Banik and Sandip Sarkar
The study aimed to explore the potential relationship between anxiety and achievement motivation among female physical education trainee teachers. The primary objective was to investigate the correlation between anxiety and achievement motivation in female physical education trainee teachers. The study included 25 randomly selected female physical education trainee teachers as subjects. Two tests were administered to collect data: Sports Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT): Constructed by Rainer Marten and Sports Achievement Motivation Test: Developed by M. L. Kamlesh. The data were collected using the SCAT for anxiety assessment and the sports achievement motivation test. These tests likely provided quantitative scores related to anxiety and achievement motivation. Mean and standard deviation were calculated for both the SCAT score and achievement motivation score. Pearson product-moment correlation was employed for statistical analysis. The significance level was set at 0.05. The mean SCAT score was 22.72, indicating the average level of sports competition anxiety. The mean achievement motivation score was 29.04. The statistical analysis (Pearson product-moment correlation) revealed no significant relationship between anxiety and achievement motivation among female physical education trainee teachers. The study concluded that sports competition anxiety did not have a significant effect on the achievement motivation of female physical education trainee teachers. These findings suggest that, based on the conducted analysis, anxiety levels related to sports competition may not be a significant factor influencing the achievement motivation of female physical education trainee teachers. It is important to note that while this study provides valuable insights into the specific context it examined, generalization to broader populations should be approached with caution. Additionally, the study's limitations and potential areas for future research could be considered for a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Sangita Banik, Sandip Sarkar. Sports competition anxiety and sports achievement motivation: A relationship study of female physical education trainee teachers. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2024;9(1):01-04. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/journalofsport.2024.v9.i1a.2864
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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