2024, Vol. 9, Issue 1
Effect of Kegel exercise on urinary incontinence among adolescent girls of rural area
Author(s): Dr. Priyanka P Sulakhe
Urinary Incontinence means a person leaks urine by accident. Urinary Incontinence also called Overactive bladder. The experience of uncontrollably leaking urine can be embarrassing issues for many people.50 adolescent girls were selected from Rural Area. One Month Kegel Exercise Session was conducted in three times a day. Data were collected using a questionnaire completed by the participants themselves. In this study Urinary Infection was the major correlates of SUI. In the present study we found that a high prevalence of Stress Urinary Incontinence among adolescent girls. Public awareness is needed to identify the condition for early diagnosis and treatment of UI.
Pages: 23-24 | 325 Views 106 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Dr. Priyanka P Sulakhe. Effect of Kegel exercise on urinary incontinence among adolescent girls of rural area. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2024;9(1):23-24.