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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2024, Vol. 9, Issue 1
Attitude and perceptions towards performance enhancing substances use among college level sportsmen
Author(s): Vinod Jacob, Dr. Biju Kumar K and Dr. Madhavan N
Introduction: The environment of youth sports in Kerala, like many other places, faces challenges regarding Performance-Enhancing Substances (PES). The reason for such situation is assumed as:Awareness and Education, Pressure to Excel, Accessibility, Role of Coaches and Parents, Testing and Regulation, Support Systems, Cultural Factors. Some of the athletes using nutritional supplements or prohibited means such as doping to cope with these situations and to gain an edge in competition.
Objectives: In view of lack of literature investigating lack of literature investigating the use of doping in Kerala youth sports. The objective of the study was to determine attitude and perceptions of college level sportsmen regarding the use of Performance Enhancing Substances (PES).
Methods: The design of study was cross sectional and used self-administered questionnaire to get data for analysis. Samples were obtained from intercollegiate level sportsmen who are residents of Alappuzha district of Kerala state. Questionnaires were administered in a condition were no interaction with other participants and no presence of higher official (coaches, Teachers, Trainers) who can influence the response. Demographic data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Results: Among 100 intercollegiate level athletes 61% believe that the use of PES among them is in a rise and 39% not believe so. Among the above mentioned 39% samples 40% (15) (N=39) recognizes common banned performance enhancers and 60% (23) stayed ignorant about that. From these 40% participants 15 samples identified anabolic steroid, 15-Growth hormone and 10 adrenalins as the banned substances in the field.
From non-prohibited substances the majority 90% have responded that vitamin supplementation is permitted and utilized in the field. For the other permitted substances response by participants are: caffeine (N=100) 40, Creatine (N=100)62, Carbohydrate (N=100)74, Protein supplementation (N=100)83 was also observed. A Majority 93% agree that PES improve performance in the competitive field, 31% believe that if PES not used, he or she may be avoided from the squad. None of them responded about the stress management benefit of PES.There were direct questions asked through questionnaire about general perception and attitude towards PES use of Alappuzha district intercollegiate level athletes. Almost all the respondents said that they need more education regarding PES, 90%of the respondent responded all kind of sale of banned substances prohibited. 87% believe that there is a rise in the PES use in sports. 33% responded towards stricter punishment is required for doping, only 17% believe that there is pressure to use PES and 83% responded negatively to that question. A vast 73% believe that the random dop test will not stop PES usage in sports. Only 14% is aware of the substances banned by WADA. Only 3% is aware about the punishments if caught for doping. And the majority of 97% recommended more tests for doping should be carried out in the University level sports. Specific attitude and perceptions were measured with a questionnaire. Out of 11 Questions 6 were directly enquiring respondents’ attitudes and perception away from use of PES and Doping (Question no: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10). The specific attitude and perception are measured by 77.16% of the respondents have strong belief against PES use / Doping.
Conclusion: Graduate level sportsmen who are using PES (Performance Enhancing Substances) and supplements are in rise for last 5 years. Even though the general attitude and perceptions towards prohibited substances are favorable to the values set by the society. Majority of participants shown negative attitude towards doping due to their strong perceptual standards.
Pages: 184-188  |  468 Views  273 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Vinod Jacob, Dr. Biju Kumar K, Dr. Madhavan N. Attitude and perceptions towards performance enhancing substances use among college level sportsmen. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2024;9(1):184-188. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/journalofsport.2024.v9.i1c.2916
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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