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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
ISSN: 2456-0057

2024, Vol. 9, Issue 2
The immediate effect of muscle energy technique versus doming of diaphragm of hamstring muscle in male cricketers with hamstring muscle tightness: A comparative study
Author(s): Dr. Amit S Patel
Background: Cricket is a sport which demands great strength and flexibility. Due to hamstring tightness strain may occur which is common nowadays. Poor posture, lack of flexibility, lack of warm up, dehydration, poor body biomechanics and poor training are major cause of this issue. Muscle energy technique and Doming of diaphragm are two techniques which were proven to improve the flexibility of the muscle on immediate basis.
Methods: A comparative study is being conducted on 104 subjects of professional cricketers of various academics of South Gujarat region divided into two group of 52 each for MET and DD. Subject were included on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Outcome measure of the study were Active knee extension test, lift and raise test, and sit and reach test.
Results: The study was done on 104 cricketers who completed the full protocol, of whom 52 underwent the Muscle Energy Technique and the balance 52 underwent the Doming of Diaphragm. The hamstring flexibility was measured by Active knee extension test, Lift and raise test, and Sit and reach test. All these tests were measured before and after the intervention. Pre and Post values were calculated to check the improvement in hamstring muscle flexibility. There was an improvement in hamstring flexibility in AKE, LRT and SRT tests in the MET group and DD group. When pre and post intervention was analyzed.
Conclusion: Among the two techniques, a comparison was made, and there was a higher improvement observed in Muscle Energy Technique.
Pages: 154-158  |  201 Views  125 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Dr. Amit S Patel. The immediate effect of muscle energy technique versus doming of diaphragm of hamstring muscle in male cricketers with hamstring muscle tightness: A comparative study. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2024;9(2):154-158.
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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