S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | A comparative study of self-esteem and locus of control between inter-college and inter-university boxers Dr. Charanjit Singh Pages: 905-907 - Viewed: 1210 - Downloaded: 174 - Country: India | India |
2. | Effect of six weeks step aerobic training on selected kinetic (Ground Reaction Force) and kinematic (Temporal) variables of female with step height of 6 inches and intensity of 118 beats per minute Dr. Sonia Shalini, Raghvendra Shukla and Dr. Dhananjoy Shaw Pages: 908-911 - Viewed: 1225 - Downloaded: 160 - Country: India | India |
3. | Assessment of selected strength, flexibility & depth perception parameters between M.P. Ed. Students and yoga students from Punjabi University Patiala Upma Bhagat Pages: 912-913 - Viewed: 1273 - Downloaded: 180 - Country: India | India |
4. | A study of physiological variables among male cricketers of Chandigarh Dr. Thingnam Nandalal Singh, Wangkheimayum Geetarani Devi and Akshay Kaushik Pages: 914-917 - Viewed: 1210 - Downloaded: 238 - Country: India | India |
5. | A comparative study of attitude of parents towards girls sports of Sirsa and Bathinda district Gagandeep Kaur and Ashok Kumar Sharma Pages: 918-920 - Viewed: 1218 - Downloaded: 139 - Country: India | India |
6. | The effects of wobble board and swiss ball training on the variable of balance among school students Dr. Ajit Singh and Jaswant Singh Pages: 921-923 - Viewed: 1087 - Downloaded: 317 - Country: India | India |
7. | Investigating the social implications of sports on university students Lalit S Sharma Pages: 924-928 - Viewed: 341 - Downloaded: 155 - Country: India | India |
8. | A comparative study of group cohesion between inter university and inter college circle style Kabaddi male players Amandeep Singh Pages: 945-947 - Viewed: 1144 - Downloaded: 149 - Country: India | India |
9. | Effects of Ashwagandha on physical fitness level of school going students Rampal and Ashok Kumar Sharma Pages: 948-950 - Viewed: 1035 - Downloaded: 103 - Country: India | India |
10. | The effect of eating procedure yogic practices and combination of them on selected psychological analysis of working women Dr. E Sathya Pages: 951-953 - Viewed: 1106 - Downloaded: 148 - Country: India | India |
11. | The evolution in the process of quality teaching in higher education system Arnab Chowdhury and Jayanta Mete Pages: 954-960 - Viewed: 1185 - Downloaded: 140 - Country: India | India |
12. | A study on the physical fitness among kabaddi and kho-kho players in IIIT-AP P Venkata Bhaskar and Y Kishore Pages: 961-962 - Viewed: 1149 - Downloaded: 171 - Country: India | India |
13. | A cross-sectional study of osteoporosis among pre and post-menopausal women of Allahabad district Pallavi Singh and Virginia Paul Pages: 963-966 - Viewed: 1098 - Downloaded: 166 - Country: India | India |
14. | Relationship of psychological well being with emotional intelligence and will to win among elite and non elite handball players Tanveer Ahmad and Namita Barman Pages: 967-969 - Viewed: 1159 - Downloaded: 154 - Country: India | India |
15. | Relationship of emotional intelligence and psychological well-being among elite and non-elite softball players Namita Barman and Tanveer Ahmad Pages: 970-972 - Viewed: 1097 - Downloaded: 149 - Country: India | India |
16. | Effect of circuit training and aerobic exercises on lung capacity of gymnasts Monika Saini Pages: 973-975 - Viewed: 1334 - Downloaded: 218 - Country: India | India |
17. | Biomechanical and technological knowledge: Integral part of sports science Dr. Devender Singh Parmar and Shashank Rathore Pages: 976-979 - Viewed: 1205 - Downloaded: 201 - Country: India | India |
18. | Comprative investigation of selected physical fitness components between handball and basketball players Vijay Kumar Pages: 980-982 - Viewed: 1036 - Downloaded: 230 - Country: India | India |
19. | Explosive strength and anthropometric characteristics of female volleyball players at different levels of achievement Dr. Vasant Vishram Rathod Pages: 983-985 - Viewed: 455 - Downloaded: 107 - Country: India | India |
20. | Comparison of selected anthropometric variables between tribal and non-tribal school players of Himachal Pradesh Lakshmi Tara and Dr. Hari Singh Pages: 1004-1007 - Viewed: 1294 - Downloaded: 202 - Country: India | India |