S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Relationship of selected physiological variables with swimming performance Manas Banerjee and Dr. Somnath Bag Pages: 01-05 - Viewed: 1253 - Downloaded: 309 - Country: India | India |
2. | Effect of spinach on hemoglobin level of physical education students of Kashmir and other state Babar Bashir, Wajida Banoo and Manoj Kumar Pathak Pages: 06-08 - Viewed: 1474 - Downloaded: 444 - Country: India | India |
3. | Effects of pre-season strength training and plyometric training on selected physical fitness variables, physiological variables and skill performance variables of male inter-collegiate volleyball players Karthik Raja and Dr. R Ashok Kumar Pages: 09-12 - Viewed: 1322 - Downloaded: 234 - Country: India | India |
4. | Effect of calisthenics workouts for weight loss and flexibility Kalavati Poti and Dr. Jyoti A Upadhye Pages: 13-15 - Viewed: 6196 - Downloaded: 4197 - Country: India | India |
5. | Effect of endurance training on body composition blood glucose and insulin among college boys Sadeep K, Dr. K Sreedhar, Dr. PM Sudhirkumar, Dr. N Saravanan and G Peddappa Raju Pages: 16-21 - Viewed: 1255 - Downloaded: 266 - Country: India | India |
6. | Exercise effect on BMI of school children Dr. Mousumi Dey Pages: 22-23 - Viewed: 1151 - Downloaded: 183 - Country: India | India |
7. | Effect of circuit training with Kettlebell on performance related variables among volleyball players Dr. T Parasuraman Pages: 24-26 - Viewed: 1383 - Downloaded: 322 - Country: India | India |
8. | The impact of specific asana on the stress of 12 to 16 years school children Kumari Vidya Manohar Mullur and Dr. DM Jyoti Pages: 27-28 - Viewed: 1284 - Downloaded: 236 - Country: India | India |
9. | The impact of specific asana on the body mass index of 12 to 16 years school children Kumari Vidya Manohar Mullur and Dr. DM Jyoti Pages: 29-30 - Viewed: 1183 - Downloaded: 238 - Country: India | India |
10. | The impact of jump rope exesices on the body mass index and stress of 12 to 16 years school children Kumari Vidya Manohar Mullur and Dr. DM Jyoti Pages: 31-34 - Viewed: 1304 - Downloaded: 297 - Country: India | India |
11. | The impact of specific asana on the body mass index and stress of 12 to 16 years school children Kumari Vidya Manohar Mullur and Dr. DM Jyoti Pages: 35-37 - Viewed: 1137 - Downloaded: 190 - Country: India | India |
12. | A study on assessment of selected motor fitness variables among professional college football players on skill basis Sharad S Javali and Dr. AG Bujurke Pages: 38-40 - Viewed: 1400 - Downloaded: 362 - Country: India | India |
13. | Relationship of anthropometric measurement and physical fitness with handball playing ability Vickey Kumar Pages: 41-43 - Viewed: 1186 - Downloaded: 189 - Country: India | India |
14. | A study on socio-economic status of Ranni Channamma University intercollegiate volleyball and kabaddi players Kum Kavita Rathod and Dr. Hanumanthayya Pujari Pages: 44-45 - Viewed: 1207 - Downloaded: 199 - Country: India | India |
15. | Comparison of selected physiological variables among men volleyball players of different positional play Dr. KV Balamurugan and V Viju Pages: 46-49 - Viewed: 1266 - Downloaded: 245 - Country: India | India |
16. | राष्ट्रीय एवं अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय खिलाड़ियांे र्के आिर्थक एवं सामाजिक स्तर का अध्ययन Dr. Aruna R Dogra and Mamta Gupta Pages: 50-51 - Viewed: 1071 - Downloaded: 117 - Country: India | India |
17. | Effect of six weeks aerobic training on selected physical fitness variables among men students Dr. Jackson Sutharsingh Pages: 52-53 - Viewed: 1218 - Downloaded: 199 - Country: India | India |
18. | Comparative study of state anxiety level between male and female volley ball players Kum Kavita Rathod and Dr. Hanumanthayya Pujari Pages: 56-57 - Viewed: 1091 - Downloaded: 134 - Country: India | India |
19. | Autonomic function in hypertensive patients and their relation to BMI Amrith Pakkala and V Sampath Pages: 58-61 - Viewed: 1068 - Downloaded: 190 - Country: India | India |
20. | A study of relationship of abdominal muscles strength endurance and static balance to Olympic weightlifting skill snatch performance Dr. Parmod Kumar Sethi and Dr. Vikram Singh Pages: 62-64 - Viewed: 1352 - Downloaded: 240 - Country: India | India |